Court Reports

We provide Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) reports and Section 27 reports for the courts. Understanding offending and why it occurs is crucial for sentencing to get better justice outcomes, rehabilitate offenders, and to decrease the risk of creating future victims.

Our AOD reports use best-evidence tools to understand the nature of substance abuse as well as a person’s readiness to change. We have developed graphs to make these understandings easily accessible to the courts.

These reports seek to understand the motivations behind substance use and offending.

We understand that the courts run on a tight schedule, so our reports always arrive on time.

If you would like a report, a quote, or any further information, you can contact us via phone or email please click here

Feedback from judges and lawyers

“I note the Judge commented at the hearing that we had got the ‘A-team’ of writers for sentencing.”

“I have to say, having viewed a few reports from other providers recently on other lawyers’ files, that yours were by far the best”.

“Wow. Very very good indeed. You do him and his story justice.”

“… a report that in my view is very well written and detailed. It has been extremely helpful … and I congratulate [lawyer’s name] on being able to find persons of the calibre of the persons who wrote this report which is quite out of the ordinary of such reports”

“Wow. Very very good indeed. You do him and his story justice.”

“His Honour remarked that it was a very well-written and positive cultural report. It was an extremely good result for him and was a case where your cultural report made a huge difference to the outcome.”

“Just reviewed your report. It is awesome. Thank you!”

“I just wanted to let you know how valuable the s27 reports are both for sentencing and also when matters reach the Parole Board in terms of a great depth of knowledge of the offender.”

“The Judge said he read the report really carefully. He clearly took it on board.”